Newman & Partner


Shares / Bonds

If you own dividend shares and receive regular dividends - which increase annually - it doesn't matter to you if the share is valued differently on the stock market - as long as you don't want or have to sell it. In addition, a share does not incur any maintenance or upkeep costs as real estate does. Dividend shares are therefore a sensible addition to a portfolio of tangible assets...

For less speculative investors: Bonds with 12% interest p.a. with daily availability.

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Shares / Bonds

Pre- & IPO`s

Public offering and/or planned IPO of a previously unlisted company. Our offer is directed to professional as well as semi- and qualified private investors, with at least Euro 250.000,- free capital. In case of legitimate interest and mandate qualification for an investment Pre- IPO (Medical Cannabis, Precious Metals, Lithium, Helium Hydrogen), please feel free to submit an inquiry.

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Private Placement

Private placements are always available for a short time only. The demand for private placements is always very high and the number of investors is limited. The investment amount for a Private Placement is at least 250,000 euros and potential investors must have larger assets. Secure your access to exclusive Private Placements now.

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Private Placement