Newman & Partner



Our partner paves the way and accompanies you into the art market. What is a black box for many people, we make visible. With him we offer you a network of internationally active gallery owners and collectors from New York, London, Oslo, Zurich, Cologne, etc., who give us access to internationally relevant works at attractive prices.
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Agrar Mix


Among the interesting agricultural investments are: Tomatoes, mangoes, cantaloupe melons, dragon fruit but also wine, coffee, black truffle, especially interesting: medical cannabis! Greenhouse cultivation, among others, is a modern way of growing agricultural crops in an artificially controlled environment, which ensures lower susceptibility to diseases and increased yields...
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Teak Wood

Investing in teak is a wise investment in the future. Teak, Tectona grandis, is a tropical hardwood tree that provides lumber that is often used to make high-quality furniture, doors, boats, beams, columns and flooring. The demand for teak products is so great because of its remarkable qualities...
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Teak Wood